Carousel Post: Everything You Need To Know

Dive into Carousel Posts on Instagram, a versatile format that lets you share multiple photos or videos in a single post for a dynamic storytelling experience.

What is a Carousel Post on Instagram?

A Carousel Post on Instagram is a multi-image or video post that allows users to upload up to 10 pieces of media in a single post. Users can swipe through the carousel to view each piece of content. This feature is particularly useful for influencers and brands who wish to showcase a series of images or videos to tell a story, present different angles of a product, or share a collection of related content without overwhelming their followers with multiple posts.

For example, a fashion influencer might use a carousel post to display various outfits from a single photoshoot, or a travel influencer could highlight different scenes from a trip. The versatility of carousel posts makes them a popular choice for creating engaging and dynamic content on the platform.

How do you create an engaging Carousel Post?

To create an engaging Carousel Post, it's important to have a cohesive theme or narrative that ties the images or videos together. High-quality visuals, compelling captions, and a strong opening image are key to grabbing attention. Influencers often use the first slide to pique interest and encourage followers to swipe through the rest of the carousel. Additionally, using a mix of photos and videos can create a dynamic experience for the viewer.

For instance, a food influencer might start with a tantalizing image of a finished dish, followed by subsequent slides showing the ingredients and cooking process. This not only tells a story but also provides value to the audience by offering a mini-tutorial within the post.

What are the benefits of using Carousel Posts for influencers?

Carousel Posts offer several benefits for influencers. They allow for more creative storytelling and can convey a more comprehensive message than a single image or video post. Carousels can also increase engagement as followers spend more time swiping through the content, which can signal to the Instagram algorithm that the post is interesting and should be shown to more users. Additionally, they provide an opportunity to share multiple sponsored products or messages in one post without appearing too promotional.

An influencer collaborating with a brand can showcase different products in a single carousel, offering a seamless and less intrusive advertising experience. This can lead to higher engagement rates and more effective partnerships with brands.

Dos and Don'ts of Carousel Posts


  • Ensure each slide in your carousel post is visually cohesive and tells a part of your overall story or message.
  • Use high-quality images or graphics that are eye-catching and likely to encourage users to swipe through all the slides.
  • Include a clear call-to-action on the last slide to engage your audience and guide them on what to do next.


  • Overload slides with too much text or information; keep it concise and easy to digest as users swipe through.
  • Forget to optimize the image sizes and quality for mobile viewing, as most users will be viewing your carousel on their phones.
  • Ignore the importance of the first slide; it should be compelling enough to make users want to see more.

How to Create a Carousel Post on Instagram

1. Choose Your Images

Select a series of high-quality images that you want to include in your carousel post. Make sure they are visually appealing and relevant to your content.

2. Open Instagram

Launch the Instagram app on your mobile device and log in to your account.

3. Tap the + Button

Tap the "+" button at the bottom center of the screen to create a new post.

4. Select Multiple Photos

On the "New Post" screen, tap the "Select Multiple" button to choose multiple photos from your device's gallery.

5. Arrange the Order

Arrange the order of your selected photos by dragging and dropping them into the desired sequence.

6. Add Captions and Tags

Write captions for each image and add relevant tags to increase the visibility of your carousel post.

7. Share Your Carousel Post

Tap the "Share" button to publish your carousel post on Instagram. Your followers will be able to swipe through the images in the carousel.

What Are Ideas for Creating a Carousel Post on Instagram?

1. Showcase Your Products

Use the carousel post feature on Instagram to showcase multiple products in one post. This allows your audience to see a variety of options and increases the chances of them finding something they like.

  • Feature different angles or variations of the same product
  • Include a brief description or key features for each product
  • Add a call-to-action to encourage users to visit your website or make a purchase
  • Use high-quality images to make your products visually appealing
  • Consider using a consistent theme or color scheme for a cohesive look

2. Step-by-Step Tutorials

Create a carousel post that guides your audience through a step-by-step tutorial. This can be a great way to share DIY projects, recipes, or beauty routines.

  • Break down each step into separate slides
  • Include clear and concise instructions for each step
  • Add images or videos to visually demonstrate the process
  • Consider adding text overlays or captions to highlight important points
  • Encourage your audience to try the tutorial themselves and share their results

3. Before and After Transformations

Showcase the transformation of a person, space, or object using a carousel post. This can be particularly effective for beauty makeovers, home renovations, or fitness progress.

  • Start with the "before" image to create anticipation
  • Follow with a series of images showing the transformation process
  • Add captions or descriptions to explain the changes or improvements
  • Include a final "after" image to highlight the end result
  • Encourage your audience to share their own transformations or experiences

4. Storytelling

Use a carousel post to tell a story or share a narrative. This can be a powerful way to engage your audience and create a connection with them.

  • Plan a sequence of images that convey a story or message
  • Add captions or text overlays to guide the narrative
  • Consider using a mix of images, videos, and graphics for variety
  • Create a sense of suspense or curiosity to keep your audience engaged
  • End with a strong conclusion or call-to-action

5. Product Comparisons

Help your audience make informed decisions by creating a carousel post that compares different products or options.

  • Select a few products that are similar or serve the same purpose
  • Highlight the key features or differences of each product
  • Add images or videos to showcase the products in action
  • Include a brief summary or recommendation at the end
  • Encourage your audience to ask questions or share their own experiences