Instagram Guides: Everything You Need To Know

Learn about Instagram Guides, a feature that allows influencers to curate and share content on specific topics, providing valuable information.

What are Instagram Guides?

Instagram Guides are a feature on the platform that allows users to curate and share content in a more organized and structured manner. With Guides, you can create collections of posts, products, or places that revolve around a specific theme or topic. This feature is particularly useful for influencers and brands who want to showcase their expertise or recommend products, places, or experiences to their followers.

How can I create an Instagram Guide?

To create an Instagram Guide, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.
  2. Tap on the "+" button to create a new post.
  3. Choose "Guide" from the options.
  4. Select the type of guide you want to create: Places, Products, or Posts.
  5. Choose the content you want to include in your guide.
  6. Add a title, description, and cover photo to make your guide visually appealing.
  7. Preview your guide and make any necessary edits.
  8. Finally, publish your guide for your followers to see.

Remember, Instagram Guides are a great way to provide valuable content to your audience and establish yourself as an expert in your niche.

Can I monetize Instagram Guides?

Currently, Instagram Guides do not have a direct monetization feature. However, as an influencer or brand, you can leverage Guides to indirectly monetize your content. By creating guides that feature products or places, you can collaborate with brands and earn through sponsored content or affiliate marketing.

For example, if you create a guide showcasing your favorite beauty products, you can partner with beauty brands and earn a commission for every sale made through your guide. Similarly, if you create a guide highlighting travel destinations, you can collaborate with hotels or travel agencies for sponsored posts or partnerships.

Remember to always disclose any sponsored content or affiliate links in accordance with Instagram's guidelines and regulations.

Dos and Don'ts of Instagram Guides


  • Do curate content that aligns with your brand and adds value to your audience. Select posts, products, or places that resonate with your followers and help establish your expertise.
  • Do use compelling visuals and cohesive design elements. Your guides should be visually appealing to capture attention and encourage users to scroll through the entire guide.
  • Do include detailed descriptions and useful information in your guides. Provide context and share insights to make your guides informative and engaging.


  • Don't neglect the importance of a captivating title and cover image. Your title should be clear and intriguing, and the cover image should be high-quality and relevant to the guide's content.
  • Don't forget to update your guides regularly. Remove outdated information and refresh your guides with new content to keep them relevant and useful for your audience.
  • Don't ignore the power of collaboration. Avoid creating guides in isolation; instead, consider collaborating with other creators or brands to expand your reach and provide diverse perspectives.

How to Create Instagram Guides

1. Choose a Topic

Before creating an Instagram Guide, think about the topic you want to cover. It could be a specific theme, a collection of tips, or a step-by-step tutorial.

2. Gather Content

Collect the photos, videos, or posts that you want to include in your Instagram Guide. Make sure they are relevant to your chosen topic.

3. Access Instagram Guides

To create an Instagram Guide, go to your profile and tap on the "+" button. Then select "Guide" and choose the type of guide you want to create.

4. Add Content

Once you're in the guide creation interface, you can start adding the content you gathered earlier. You can include photos, videos, or posts from your own profile or from other accounts.

5. Write Descriptions

For each piece of content in your Instagram Guide, write a short description that provides context or additional information. This will help your audience understand the purpose of each item.

6. Arrange the Order

Organize the content in your Instagram Guide by dragging and dropping the items into the desired order. You can rearrange them as many times as you want until you're satisfied with the flow.

7. Publish and Share

Once you're done creating your Instagram Guide, tap on the "Next" button and add a title and cover image. Then publish it to your profile. You can also share it with your followers through stories or direct messages.

What Are Ideas for Instagram Guides?

1. How to Create a Step-by-Step Makeup Tutorial

If you're passionate about makeup, this idea is perfect for you. You can create a detailed guide on how to achieve a specific makeup look, breaking down each step and providing tips and tricks along the way. Some ideas for makeup tutorials could be a smokey eye, a natural everyday look, or a bold lip tutorial.

  • Start with a clean and moisturized face
  • Apply a primer to create a smooth base
  • Use a foundation that matches your skin tone
  • Highlight and contour to enhance your features
  • Finish with setting spray to make your makeup last longer

2. How to Style Outfits for Different Occasions

If you have a knack for fashion, this idea is for you. You can create guides on how to style outfits for various occasions, such as casual outings, formal events, or even themed parties. Provide outfit inspiration, tips on mixing and matching, and suggestions for accessories to complete the look.

  • Choose a statement piece as the focal point of your outfit
  • Mix patterns and textures for a unique look
  • Accessorize with jewelry, belts, or scarves
  • Consider the dress code and venue of the occasion
  • Experiment with different styles and silhouettes

3. How to Capture Stunning Travel Photos

If you love to travel and have a passion for photography, this idea is perfect for you. Create guides on how to capture stunning travel photos, including tips on composition, lighting, and editing. Share your favorite locations and provide insights on how to make the most of each destination.

  • Find unique perspectives and angles
  • Utilize natural lighting for beautiful results
  • Experiment with different camera settings
  • Edit your photos to enhance colors and details
  • Research and plan your shots in advance

4. How to Start a Home Garden

If you have a green thumb or want to explore gardening as a hobby, this idea is for you. Create guides on how to start a home garden, including tips on choosing the right plants, preparing the soil, and maintaining a healthy garden. Share your favorite gardening hacks and troubleshoot common issues.

  • Choose plants that thrive in your climate
  • Provide proper sunlight and water for each plant
  • Use organic fertilizers and pest control methods
  • Regularly prune and trim your plants
  • Stay consistent with watering and maintenance

5. How to Create Delicious and Healthy Recipes

If you're passionate about cooking and want to share your culinary skills, this idea is perfect for you. Create guides on how to create delicious and healthy recipes, including step-by-step instructions, ingredient lists, and nutritional information. Share your favorite cooking techniques and tips for flavor enhancement.

  • Choose fresh and high-quality ingredients
  • Experiment with different herbs and spices
  • Balance flavors and textures in your dishes
  • Include a variety of fruits and vegetables
  • Consider dietary restrictions and alternatives