Location Tags: Everything You Need To Know

Discover how to use Location Tags on Instagram to enhance your posts' visibility and connect with local audiences, boosting engagement.

What is a Location Tag on Instagram?

On Instagram, a location tag, also known as a geotag, refers to the practice of tagging a photo or video with the geographical location where it was taken. This feature allows users to add a specific place to their content, making it searchable and discoverable by others interested in that location. When a location tag is used, the post appears on the location’s page, which can increase visibility and engagement. This is particularly useful for influencers who want to attract a local audience or share experiences related to travel, food, or events.

Examples of location tags include tagging a famous landmark, a city, or a local business. Influencers often use location tags to showcase their travels or partnerships with local brands, which can be a strategic move to gain followers interested in those areas.

How do Location Tags enhance content discoverability on Instagram?

Location tags enhance content discoverability by grouping posts from the same geographical area together. When users search for a specific place on Instagram, they can view all the content tagged with that location. This increases the chances of content being seen by a wider audience, especially by those who are exploring the tagged location. For influencers, this can lead to greater engagement, as posts with location tags often receive more likes and comments than those without. Additionally, businesses and brands can leverage location tags to connect with local communities and potential customers.

An influencer might tag a boutique hotel they are staying at to attract viewers who are interested in luxury travel or unique accommodations. This can also be beneficial for the hotel, as it gains exposure to the influencer's followers.

Can using Location Tags affect an influencer's reach on Instagram?

Yes, using location tags can significantly affect an influencer's reach on Instagram. By adding a location tag, influencers can tap into local audiences and those interested in specific destinations or venues. This can lead to increased engagement from users who are browsing content related to that location. Moreover, posts with location tags can appear in the 'Explore' section of Instagram, which is curated for each user based on their interests and interactions. This further amplifies the potential reach of a post and can attract new followers who are interested in similar content or locations.

For instance, an influencer attending a popular music festival might use the event's location tag to reach users who are following the event but may not yet be following the influencer. This can lead to new engagement opportunities and potential collaborations.

Dos and Don'ts of Using Location Tags on Instagram


  • Do use specific location tags to increase the discoverability of your posts by local audiences.
  • Do check the popularity of a location tag before using it to ensure your content is seen by a wide audience.
  • Do use location tags to contribute to story location stickers, which can boost your visibility in Instagram Stories.


  • Don't use irrelevant location tags just to attract attention; it can mislead your audience and damage your credibility.
  • Don't forget to respect privacy by avoiding location tags at private residences or sensitive locations.
  • Don't overuse the same location tag, as it can lead to diminishing returns in audience engagement over time.

How to Use Location Tags on Instagram

1. Enable Location Services on Your Device

Before you can use location tags on Instagram, make sure that location services are enabled on your device. This will allow Instagram to access your device's GPS and provide accurate location tags.

2. Create a New Post

Start by creating a new post on Instagram. You can do this by tapping on the plus icon at the bottom of the screen and selecting a photo or video from your device's gallery.

3. Add a Location Tag

After selecting a photo or video, tap on the "Add Location" option. This will open a search bar where you can type the name of the location you want to tag. Instagram will suggest relevant locations as you type.

4. Choose the Correct Location

From the list of suggested locations, choose the one that matches the place you want to tag. Make sure to select the correct location to ensure accurate tagging.

5. Customize the Location Tag

Once you've selected the location, you can customize the appearance of the location tag. You can choose to display the location name, hide it, or even create a custom location tag.

6. Share Your Post

After customizing the location tag, you can proceed to add captions, hashtags, and other elements to your post. Once you're satisfied with your post, tap on the "Share" button to publish it on Instagram.

7. Explore Location-Based Content

By using location tags on your posts, you can discover and explore content from other users who have tagged the same location. This can be a great way to connect with people who share similar interests or experiences.

What Are Ideas for Using Location Tags on Instagram?

1. Enhance Your Travel Photos

Location tags on Instagram can help enhance your travel photos by providing context and allowing your followers to see where you've been. Whether you're exploring a famous landmark or discovering a hidden gem, adding a location tag can make your photos more engaging and informative.

  • Tag popular tourist attractions to share your experiences with others
  • Highlight local businesses and restaurants to support the community
  • Showcase unique landscapes and natural wonders
  • Create a visual travel diary by tagging each location you visit
  • Connect with other travelers who have been to the same places

2. Promote Local Events and Activities

Using location tags on Instagram is a great way to promote local events and activities. By tagging the location of an event or activity, you can help spread the word and attract more attendees. It also allows people who are interested in the event or activity to easily find more information and join in.

  • Tag concerts, festivals, and other live performances to increase awareness
  • Showcase community events and fundraisers to support local causes
  • Promote workshops, classes, and educational programs
  • Highlight sports events and competitions
  • Share information about art exhibitions and gallery openings

3. Discover New Places and Hidden Gems

Location tags on Instagram can be a valuable tool for discovering new places and hidden gems. By exploring the location tags of other users, you can find unique restaurants, beautiful parks, trendy shops, and other interesting spots that you may not have known about otherwise.

  • Search for local businesses and services in your area
  • Find picturesque spots for photography and Instagram-worthy moments
  • Discover off-the-beaten-path attractions and landmarks
  • Locate popular hiking trails and outdoor recreational areas
  • Uncover hidden gems recommended by locals and fellow travelers

4. Connect with Like-Minded People

Using location tags on Instagram can help you connect with like-minded people who share similar interests and passions. By tagging the locations of your favorite activities, hobbies, or places, you can attract followers who have similar preferences and engage in meaningful conversations.

  • Tag fitness studios and gyms to connect with health and wellness enthusiasts
  • Share your favorite restaurants and foodie spots to connect with fellow food lovers
  • Tag art galleries and museums to connect with art enthusiasts
  • Showcase your favorite travel destinations to connect with fellow travelers
  • Tag local events and festivals to connect with people who share your interests

5. Gain Exposure for Your Business or Brand

If you have a business or brand, using location tags on Instagram can help you gain exposure and attract potential customers or clients. By tagging the location of your business or the places where your products or services are available, you can reach a wider audience and increase brand visibility.

  • Tag your store or office location to attract local customers
  • Showcase your products or services in specific locations to target relevant audiences
  • Tag events or collaborations to increase brand awareness
  • Highlight customer testimonials and reviews in specific locations
  • Tag influencers or partners who are associated with your brand